Super Blood Moon 2015. Shooting for the Moon.
On the 27th September 2015, you may have heard about or even seen the Lunar Eclipse.
It was all over the News and Social Media on the days running up to it, apparently it's a strange occurrence where on the same night, the Moon is both at it's brightest of the year and it's darkest. So I decided, as it was such a special occasion I would dust off my 200mm lens and 2x converter and take some shots of it.
I set up my camera early in the evening and managed to get a couple of shots of the moon rising over the rolling Norfolk fields.
As the night drew in I diligently followed the Moon as it sped across the sky, changing from bright orange to silvery grey, and snaped a few shots.
I was so fortunate and we had really clear skies that night. The temperature dropped, but I didn't want to miss the eclipse itself so I grabbed some gloves and a hoody and settled in for the night.
At about 2am I could start to see the Earths shadow creep over the Moons face.
The Moons face seemed to be getting swallowed up by our shadow. Its amazing to think that this is the shadow of our planet, every human, every living thing on Earth, blocking the light from the sun.
The whole sky got darker and darker as the Moon became less visible. It was really hard to get sharp photos at this point. Trying to Focus on something so far away is pretty tricky!
I'm so glad I stayed up until 4am to photograph this event battling against the cold. I think I managed to get some pretty good shots in the end. Hopefully, in 33 years time I'll get some even better photos!